GSO Test

Inspiring all children to create & achieve



At Earls Colne Primary School and Nursery, we believe that learning a foreign language provides an opening to other cultures by fostering pupils’ curiosity and deepening their understanding of the world.

Learning a foreign language provides the foundations for discovering new cultures and equips pupils for future work and study in other countries.  At our school, pupils learn to understand and respond to spoken and written language in a variety of contexts.  Teaching and learning opportunities enable pupils to communicate for a range of practical purposes and express their ideas in French. 


The key principles of language learning are embedded within our French curriculum:

  • Repetition
  • Recognition
  • Recall
  • Real Life Context 

An appropriate mix of speaking, listening, writing and reading (with a heavier weighting in speaking and listening) is reflected throughout the French Curriculum and can be seen in the end of unit outcomes.


All Key Stage 2 classes have regular opportunities to learn the French language through discrete lessons and French days.  This allows our children to use and apply their skills across a range of activities exploring the French language and culture.

 Languages Curriculum Map


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Latest Notices

Plastic Pirates! 


Our middle phase really pulled it out of the bag with incredible performances for the school and their families.