At Earls Colne Primary School and Nursery, we are fortunate to have volunteers who help to enhance children’s learning in a variety of different ways, such as hearing them read or escorting them on visits.
People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons, for some it is to develop new skills or build on existing ones, for others it is the chance to contribute to the community.
We are always delighted to hear from potential volunteers. If you are interested in becoming part of our team of volunteers, or would like more information, please contact a member of our office staff.
Prior to starting work in school as a volunteer a number of safeguarding checks (including an enhanced Disclosure and Baring Service Check) have to be completed. Volunteers are also given a number of documents to read including our Child Protection Policy and the Keeping Children Safe in Education publication.
All volunteers must sign in at reception and wear an identity badge whilst on the premises.